Future Endeavored List Expands

You can add Cody Rhodes and Eden to the list of talents released by WWE, either by way of the company, or of their own accord.

And now comes Cody Rhodes.

Cody Rhodes started posting a couple tweets earlier this month like this...

and it finally culminated with him asking for his release days before Extreme Rules.

Just days later, it was announced that WWE came to terms with Cody Rhodes, and granted him his release. After it was annoucned, Cody released his own answer as to why he asked for and was granted his release.

Now, days after that incident, WWE announcer Eden, who's real name is Brandi Runnels and is the real life wife of Cody, announced she has asked for and was granted her release. Today, she blogged about her decision, and explains that this was already in the plans, as she has other opportunities that have presented themselves.

WWE also released Adam Rose, after his domestic dispute with his wife and him getting arrested.

So now, the may releases are as follows:
Zeb Colter
El Torito
Santino Marella
Alex Riley 
Wade Barrett

Damien Sandow
Brooklyn Brawler
Adam Rose
Cody Rhodes

Plus Ryback is still out there making antagonizing tweets, so it's probably gonna expand soon.